
The information provided herein is intended to assist AlphaLogix, LLC and their affiliates (“Companies”) in consideration of use for the AlphaFlo® canine allograft.

AlphaFlo® is intended for canine use to supplement and protect tissues, consistent with its labeling. Information provided herein does not constitute a representation or guarantee by the Companies of accepted clinical indication(s) for any medical condition, of any associated regulatory approval(s), or solicitation or agreement for distribution of AlphaFlo® for an unapproved clinical use. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any use of the aforementioned product falls under the authority and approval of an Institutional Review Board (IRB), an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and/or other necessary regulatory approvals, as applicable.

Information provided herein is provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute professional or legal advice on any subject matter. The Companies shall not be held liable or responsible for any mistake, loss, or damage which may arise from reliance on the information provided herein or on any other publication by the Companies. While the information is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided is complete, correct, and/or up-to-date. You are encouraged to seek your own counsel should you have any concerns or questions regarding any issues identified herein. The included content is proprietary, is not intended for dissemination without express written permission of the Companies, and does not constitute marketing content.

AlphaFlo® is a registered trademark of AlphaLogix, LLC.